Sunday, November 6, 2011

Distant Lovers.

The Love between two individuals shouldn't have a distance.
but sometimes you want a hug or kiss from each other instant.
Being thousands of miles away from eachother
worrying about about if your only lover found another lover.
It becomes harder every moment you without your other half.
While missing eachother hurts with the feelings of doubts and sad.
things change , and so do the two
the mind starts to wander of wondering ,
if long distant loving is for you.
everyday text and everyday 
calls turn into a few texts a week and no calls at all.
All of a sudden the hope and faith you had for the distant loving left,
leaving you with the memories and eachothers belongings eachother kept.
The timing was so wrong , but it felt so pleasing at the moment.
leaving you stuck with the kisses and hugs 
you'll never forget .
hoping wasnt enough , loving eachother
When really we didnt think carefully 
we forgot about reality .